We take democracy, culture, and community seriously

We are all media companies set up to support democracy and social cohesion. We are different; some of us are local, others national, some private, others publicly owned. But we share a common goal: we seek to engage and bring together the Danes, and we create and tell stories. We take democracy, culture, and community seriously.

Foto: Mads Claus Rasmussen/Ritzau Scanpix
Press Publishers
A diverse and vibrant Danish media landscape is essential to Danish democracy. Free and in-dependent media must support and promote the democratic process and contribute to general education by offering edited content to their Danish audience.
The Board consists of 12 representatives of Danish media houses. The members, including the chairman and vice-chairman of the Board, were elected at the general meeting on 2 July 2021. The board members hold office for two-year terms.
Anders Krab-Johansen
Koncernchef og udgiver, Berlingske Media
Peter Deurmann Petersen
Juridisk chef, Aller Media A/S
Anne Marie Kindberg
Adm. direktør, Altinget.dk ApS
Anne Sofie Christensen-Dalsgaard
Adm. direktør, Baggrund Medier ApS
Morten Vinter Jensen
Adm. direktør, Det Nordjyske Mediehus A/S
Andreas Marckmann Andreassen
Adm. direktør, Fagbladet Folkeskolen ApS
Betina Bendix
Adm. direktør, TV SYD
Tanja Blichfeldt Johnson
Advokat, JP Politikens Hus A/S
Jørn Broch
Digital chefredaktør, Jysk Fynske Medier P/S
Hans-Christian Kock
Kommerciel direktør, Kristeligt Dagblad A/S
Jens Nicolaisen
Adm. direktør, Sjællandske Medier A/S
Helle Djernis
Advokat, TV 2 Danmark A/S
Our members are publishers of press publications who aim to provide the public with news or other media content published on the publisher’s initiative and under the publisher’s control and responsibility.

Foreningens medlemmer er tilmeldt Pressenævnet og står dermed til ansvar for rigtigheden af og kvaliteten i det indhold, medlemmet publicerer.

Foreningen er åben for alle medier, som er tilmeldt Pressenævnet og dermed står til ansvar over for rigtigheden af og kvaliteten i det indhold, mediet publicerer.

Foreningen blev stiftet den 2. juli 2021 af en lang række mediehuse, herunder store nationale, regionale og lokale mediehuse, public service-stationerne DR, TV 2 og TV 2-regionerne, magasinhusene Aller Media og Bonnier Publications samt flere fagblade og niche mediehuse og tæller i dag 37 medlemmer.