IFRRO calls on Google to quit its plans to limit European-based press publishers’ content from its outlets

With 158 members from some 90 countries, IFRRO plays a key role in the global copyright ecosystem. Despite the clear legislative objective in the Copyright Directive and DPCMO's persistent request for transparency and suggestions for joint analyses to understand usage and value, Google decides without any dialogue or any notice to do an undefined test and completely remove access for Google-selected users to the free press in several countries in Europe.

As stated by IFRRO, Google’s decision appears to be part of a broader pattern of behavior in which the company leverages its dominant market position across various services such as Google AI Overview and Google Gemini.

Intellectual property protection stimulates economic growth and competitiveness by incentivising investment, attracting talent, and fostering technological progress. Monopolies hinder innovation, suppress consumer choice, and create economic inefficiencies. After all, companies like Google don’t just build their business on technology, but rather on proprietary data and its derivatives.

Tech and rightsholders should reach solutions that respect rights and ensure a fair, competitive digital ecosystem.

A big thanks to IFRRO for taking action.